Saturday, March 24, 2012


Turned out yesterday was a pretty good day.

The photo shoot went well in practice; we’ll have to see how the results actually turned out. I feel like I had the same face on the whole time. Hope it was a good one. Mostly good times with one minor scuffle. Some manager/security guard type came up and interrupted us by telling us that the place we had just taken pictures was private parking and we had parked there. Of course, we hadn’t, but it was anything but a reasonable exchange. I tried to defuse the guy by letting him talk a little, but we didn’t have time for all he had to say and nobody really cared anyway. At any rate, it ended fairly quickly, but not without tears (from my wife). We finished up the shoot shortly after that, with me stewing a little for reasons I can’t altogether pin down. I believe it had something to do with wanting to solve the situation myself and having too many other voices involved, not always productively. The guy was out of line, but I didn’t feel like we were going to get rid of him by shouting. He seemed like the kind of guy who wanted a shouting match.

We got over it pretty well, and went for pizza at “Mr. T’s”. Good stuff: two large all-the-ways, a cheese, and a Hawaiian. We finished it all. After that we went home for some chocolate and then the wife and I went off to bed while the three brothers played video games in the living room, tech son’s patient wife reading among them.

Good times.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hello World

Of course the thought with the first post on a blog is that it is going to be fantastic and seen by millions.

That could be, but not today. The fact is, if this gets read it will be in the future when the bulk of what’s written here has generated interest and someone wants to see what my first entry looked like. So here it is.

Hello reader. I never really expected you. I’m glad you’re here, and I hope you are enjoying yourself. It’s the day of the photo shoot for our 25th wedding anniversary. My tech son and daughter-in-law are here from South Carolina, my Air Traffic Control son is up from Miami, my two daughters are taking time from school to hang with us, and my youngest son was up until who knows when with his oldest brother.

Chattanooga is a beautiful sight from the mountain, but I suppose cities look great from above. But I think Chattanooga particularly so. There’s the serpentine Tennessee River that winds through it. The street lights are particularly white without that odd amber color. There’s a hell of a lot of them too, all crowded together like a Christmas tree on steroids.

It was foggy last night and driving was troublesome. That being said, I travelled four hours round trip to pick up my ATC son at Atlanta airport, my tech son drove over from Charleston, my youngest son and oldest daughter (who graduates college in six weeks!) went to the midnight showing of “Hunger Games.” So I guess we’re just thrill-seekers.

The house is starting to stir now, so I’ll just close on that. See you next time.
